Welcome dear friends to our blog page—a page dedicated entirely to the dissemination of spiritual truth.
Why truth? Because it is through the hearing of and being exposed to truth that our individual spiritual consciousness is most powerfully impacted, so that it begins to experience new growth and expansion. As the truth is taken into consciousness, it sinks in and begins a process that Jesus once compared to the influence of leaven working through a lump of bread dough. Though unseen and often unfelt, this process goes forth with the precision of science, eventually achieving the goal of the flowering or enlightening of human consciousness—what we here call our new consciousness.
Truth is and always has been free. There never has been and never can be a price tag put on it. As the great biblical prophet Isaiah once wrote: “Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters [of truth]; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.” (Isaiah 55:1). But in order for the truth to impact your consciousness, it must be the real deal. There are many “false truths” out there, just as there are many false prophets or messiahs. What happens when we are exposed to and receive false spiritual teachings that masquerade as truth? The answer is: nothing, absolutely nothing! But the real deal can and will move mountains.

Jesus compared the impact of real truth upon consciousness to the planting of a mustard seed—a seed so tiny that you can barely see it. Yet, when it grows it becomes the largest of all garden plants.
All people have spiritual consciousness. But ignorance of the truth and a tightly closed, heavily conditioned mindset conspire together to render that consciousness dark and stagnant. Isaiah compares it to being blind and deaf. The fact that we all have spiritual consciousness means that we all have eyes and ears. But our ignorance of and inbred resistance to truth have turned those functions into “eyes that cannot see and ears that cannot hear.” (Isaiah 43:8).
Truth is not complicated or burdensome. It is simple and as light as a feather. That is why Jesus often taught using parables—a teaching method that some have equated with the telling of children’s stories. Truth’s maxims come to us in plain straightforward language and imagery, but this does not diminish their profundity. For this reason, truth’s best friend is a quiet open mind—a mind willing to weigh the simple straightforward, sometimes absolute tone that truth often comes in and not immediately reject it. This posture of willing consideration enables truth to enter our consciousness, sink in, and begin to work through the entire lump. For example, take this great truth from the pen of Isaiah: “All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field. The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” (Isaiah 40:6,8). The little word all that Isaiah uses in this scripture is an absolutism that makes it hard for a modern man or woman to swallow. But Isaiah was not just being dramatic; nor was he exaggerating. The truth really means all when it says all, and without that little word its transformative power is lost. Whereas, the accepting of the word all, even just as a possibility, can result in us learning the great truth that nothing to do with human culture is lasting and therefore need not evoke a reaction of fear from us. In many ways such as this the truth works to set us free.

Weighing the truth therefore means simply not immediately dismissing it. This we often do out of an emotionally reactive mindset. That is why a calm quiet mind greatly facilitates our ability to receive truth.
Openness, calmness and quietude are meditative qualities of mind. They can be achieved by an act of our own consciousness, though sometimes you may need to sit for a while before this can happen. Use your conscious awareness or “presence” to calm your mind. Watch your thoughts and delineate your emotions. That is what meditation primarily involves. For, by becoming conscious of these normally unconscious mental functions, we strip them of their powers of attachment and distraction. Then once our mind is calm enough to consider the word of truth, we are free to weigh or cogitate upon its possibilities. This is called contemplative meditation. (To learn more about our unique approach to the practice of meditation refer to our blog post entitled Universal Meditation found in the "Nature of the Universe" category below.).
Each of the truth discourses that you will encounter on this blog page is a subject for contemplative meditation. As such, once they are taken into your consciousness, they will spark new growth and development. First click on one of the categories displayed below. Then click on the particular discourse under that category that interests you. Read it slowly and meditatively and let it sink in. Then watch as your life is slowly but surely transformed--from the old Adamic orientation of separateness and self-determination to the orientation of connectedness, union, and oneness that is the new consciousness.